Friday, June 7, 2013

Day #8 - Cruising around the Irish Countryside (07 June 2013)

Much to my dismay, we had to leave Dublin this morning.
We drove a short way to the Irish National Stud Farm in Kildare where thoroughbred race horses are bred for races in the UK, Ireland, and other places in Western Europe. The horses were beautiful, though our tour guide described the whole process as "organized prostitution". The stallions are owned by private owners and they pay to be associated with the stud farm and to keep then there. Every time the stallion impregnates a mare, there's a fee. And once their offspring is off in the race track, depending on how well the offspring does, that will increase or decrease the value of the stallion.
Anyway, it was a fun time even though there was a random Japanese garden in the stud farm.
The next stop was Kilkenny where we had lunch. It was a cute little town an we had some huge fish and chips. We passed a candy store and I really wanted some gummy candy but we thought we'd might get something better later on. I will get my gummy candy soon!
After a very brief stay in Kilkenny, we drove to Waterford, an old Viking town and the oldest town in Ireland. We only had a little while after we got here to rest and then we were off again. We had a local guide, Jack, show us some insider historical points of interest in the town. He was also hilarious and entertaining! It was worth going even though we were very tired.
I only had 20 or so minutes to get ready before we went to a pub about 10 minutes outside of the city. We had local, beautiful Irish musicians play and sing for us while we enjoyed some great atmosphere. One of the ladies on the tour tried to set me up with them! Well they said that the Irishmen are the most romantic, so that could've worked out for me nicely. I'll keep that in mind.
I had 2 Bailey's creams even though I wanted some more Smithtick's before I left, probably my favourite ale I've had here. But I have to admit, Bailey's is great stuff. Let's hope they might have some in Wales tomorrow, or back in England.

I'm really sad to be leaving Ireland. When I go home, I want to trace my Irish side of the family because I wanted to get a family crest pin but I didn't know what our Irish name was. I'm making that another project!
I'm very tired now, talk to you all possibly tomorrow!

Till next time xx,


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